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M. Bannister, Disability and gender in rural sanitation, in People-centred approaches to water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 30th WEDC Conference, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 25-29 October 2004 , 2004, pp. P. 57-60 : 1 fig., 1 photogr.
CREPA -Ouagadougou, BF, Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout, Documentation de l'experience de WaterAid partenaires sur la promotion de l'hygiene et de l'assainissement au Burkina Faso. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 78 p. : ill., fig., map, tab., 2004.
U. Directorat UG, Draft concept note on principles for sector allocation. Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Directorate for Water Development, Kampala, Uganda, p. ii, 10 p., 2004.
A. Jouravlev, Drinking water supply and sanitation services on the threshold of the xxist century, vol. no. 74. Santiago, Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), 2004, p. 64 p. : 12 boxes, 3 fig., 9 tab.
Indonesian Netherlands Association -Jakarta, ID, INA en Jakarta, I. D. Netherland, Drinkwatervoorziening in Indonesië, vol. no. 108064. Netherlands, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 72 p. : 10 tabs., 2004.
P. Morgan, An ecological approach to sanitation in Africa : a compilation of experiences : the EcoSan book. Aquamor, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. ca. 262 p. : fig., photogr., 2004.
E. Mullegger en Lechner, M., Ecological Sanitation - a sustainable approach to future. Austrian Development Agency, Vienna, Austria, p. 12 p. : 6 fig., photogr., 2004.
P. D. Jenssen, Heeb, J., Huba-Mang, E., Gnanaken, K., Warner, W. S., Refsgaard, K., Senstrom, T. A., Guterstam, B., en Alsen, K. W., Ecological sanitation and reuse of wastewater : ecosan, a thinkpiece on ecological sanitation. Agricultural University of Norway, Oslo, Norway, p. 18 p. : photogr., 2004.
U. Winblad en Simpson-Hebert, M., Ecological sanitation : revised and enlarged edition, Rev. and enlarged ed. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 2004, p. vi, 141 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
D. E. G. T. Z. - Eschborn en IWA -London, GB, International Water Association, Ecosan - closing the loop : proceedings of the 2nd international symposium, 7th - 11th April 2003, Lubeck, Germany. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn, Germany, p. xiv, 1004 p. : fig., tab., 2004.
S. P. Luby, Agboatwalla, M., Painter, J., Altaf, A., Billhimer, W. L., en Hoekstra, R. M., Effect of intensive handwashing promotion on childhood diarrhea in high-risk communities in Pakistan : a randomized controlled trial, Journal of the American Medical Association, pp. p. 2547-2554 : 3 fig., 5 tab., 2004.
T. Grünebaum en Bode, H., The effect of public or private structures in wastewater treatment on the conditions for the design, construction and operation of wastewater treatment plants, Water science and technology, pp. p. 273–280 : fig., map, 2004.
W. Checkley, Gilman, R. H., Black, R. E., Epstein, L. D., Cabrera, L., Sterling, C. R., en Moulton, L., Effect of water and sanitation on childhood health in a poor Peruvian peri-urban community, The lancet, pp. p. 112-118 : 3 fig., 6 tab., 2004.
V. N. Research C. Noi en Noi, V. N. U. N. I. C. E. F. - Ha, Effectiveness of the Unicef-supported program on sanitation and water supply systems at primary schools and kindergartens : report. Research Center for Rural Population and Health, Hanoi, Viet Nam, p. 44 p. : 13 fig., 15 tab., 2004.
F. Vojdani, Efficiency in water planning and management (an implementation experience), Water science and technology : water supply, pp. p. 67-80 : 15 fig., 2004.
L. Eguren, El mercado de carbono en América Latina y el Caribe : balance y perspectivas. CEPAL, Santiago, Chile, p. 85 p., tables, graphics, 2004.
C. J. Lacarin en Reed, R. A., Emergency vector control using chemicals : a handbook for relief workers, 2nd editione ed. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2004, p. xii, 122 p. : fig., tab.
S. House en Reed, B., Emergency water sources : guidelines for selection and treatment, 3rd ed.e ed. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2004, p. xvii, 302 p.
J. Lonholdt, Environmental management in the tropics. IWA Publishing, London, UK, 2004.
A. Aristizábal, Acebillo, M. B., Visscher, J. T., Hidalgo, S., A. Foguet, P., en Carlos, D. C. N., Estrategias para el impulso de la educación para el desarrollo en la universidad : la experiencia del curso de Formación de Formadores universitarios ¿Educando en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano¿, presented at the 01/2003, Murcia, Spain, 2004, pp. 1-2.
A. Aristizábal, Acebillo, M. B., Visscher, J. T., Hidalgo, S., A. Foguet, P., en Carlos, D. C. N., Estrategias para el impulso de la educación para el desarrollo en la universidad : la experiencia del curso de Formación de Formadores universitarios ¿Educando en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano¿, presented at the 01/2003, Murcia, Spain, 2004, p. 12 p.
C. A. Garnica, Estudio de galerías filtrantes en lechos aluviales de Bolivia. Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Ingenieria, Cali, Colombia, p. 319 p. : tab., map., graphics, photo's, 2004.
L. M. Baena Alvarez, Estudio experimental para la determinación de las constantes bénticas en el río Cauca, tramo Salvajina - La Virginia. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, p. 93 p. , tables, graphics, photos, 2004.
A. Klutse, Etude comparative des modes de gestion des boues de vidange en Afrique de l'Ouest : analyse des problemes et recommandantions. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 47 p. : photogr., 8 tab., 2004.
T. Congo, Ouedraogo, O., Bonde, N. 'D., en Kyansem, A., Etude diagnostique des systèmes de gestion des réseaux d'alimentation en eau potable simplifiée (AEPS)des villes de Béguédo, Niagho et Mogtédo. Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a Faible Cout (CREPA), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, p. 76 p. : tab., 2004.


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