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Found 23564 results
M. V. Rama Chandrudu, Fanaian, S., en R. Naidu, S., Understanding governance in the WASH sector in Andhra Pradesh, WASHCost India-CESS working papers, vol. 14. WASHCost India and CESS, Hyderabad, p. 25 p.; 2 tab.; 7 boxes, 2011.
F. Axweso, Understanding pastoralists and their water, sanitation and hygiene needs. WaterAid, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 8 p. : photogr., 2011.
M. Mulenga, Urban sanitation : pathfinder 2011. Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity, SHARE, S.l., p. 44 p.; 11 fig.; 2 tab.; 3 boxes, 2011.
FSG, U.S. WASH advocacy : landscape report. FSG, S.l., p. 17 p.; tab.; fig., 2011.
S. P. Luby, Halder, A. K., Huda, T. M. N., Unicomb, L., Johnston, R. B., en Infectious Diseases and Vaccine Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Using child health outcomes to identify effective measures of handwashing, American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, pp. P. 882 - 892; 5 tab., 2011.
J. Ranaivo en Norman, G., Using water kiosk revenues to cross-finance environmental hygiene : Tana’s RF2 model, vol. 1. Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, S.l., p. 2 p.; 1 photograph; 4 boxes; 1 tab.; 1 fig., 2011.
Y. Coombes, Mwakilama, P., en Singh, U., Utilizing community - based registers to monitor improved access to sanitation and hygiene in Tanzania . Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, S.l., p. 4 p.; 5 fig., 2011.
H. Wang, Shi, Y., Kim, Y., en Kamata, T., Valuing water quality improvement in China : a case study of Lake Puzhehei in Yunnan province , vol. 5766. World Bank, S.l., p. 33 p.; 6 tab., 2011.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Vanuatu : WASH Sector Brief. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Sydney, NSW, Australia, p. 8 p.; 2 tab.; 1 fig., 2011.
Rural Village Water Resource Management Project -Dhangadhi, NP, RVWRMP, VDC [Village Development Committee] level : WUMP [Water Use Master Plan] review and baseline : year 2011 guidelines . Rural Village Water Resource Management Project, RVWRMP, S.l., p. 91 (= 35, 4, 2 19, 27) p.; tab.; fig., 2011.
E. Le Borgne, Bostoen, K., Machin, Camacho, C., Dubé, A., S., K., Pels, J., Pezon, C., en Sow, J. A., Vers la gestion des connaissances et l’apprentissage sectoriel au Burkina Faso : comprendre les pratiques actuelles relatives à l’information et aux connaissances dans le secteur de l’eau et l’assainissement. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 46 p. : 3 fig., 5 photogr., 2011.
M. Kengne, E. Kengne, S., Akoa, A., Bemmo, N., Dodane, P. H., en Kone, D., Vertical-flow constructed wetlands as an emerging solution for faecal sludge dewatering in developing countries, vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 13-19 : 3 tab.; 5 fig., 2011.
N. Nguyen, Paynter, N., en Nguyen, M. H. T., Vietnam : a handwashing behavior change journey for the caretakers : global scaling up handwashing project. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, S.l., p. 8 p.; 1 tab.; 1 box.; 2 fig.; 6 photographs, 2011.
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Vietnam : WASH Sector Brief. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney, AU, ISF - UTS, Sydney, NSW, Australia, p. 11 p.; 3 tab.; 1 fig., 2011.
D. A. Seekell, D’Odorico, P., en Pace, M. L., Virtual water transfers unlikely to redress inequality in global water use, Environmental research letters, p. 6 p. : 3 fig., 1 tab, 2011.
L. Natoli, WASH and HIV : a powerpointpresentation presented at the WASH Conference 2011, IWC, Brisbane Australia. p. 19 slides; ill., 2011.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US, WASH en Escuelas Paquete de herramientas para el monitoreo. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 88 p. : fig., 2011.
G. Keast, Sahin, M., Dooley, T., Henderson, M., Meyers, C., Luyendijk, R., en Unalan, T., WASH in schools monitoring package. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 88 p. : fig., 2011.
F. Naene, Naafs, A., en Zita, J., WASHCost Moçambique Cartaz sobre contractos e custos fontes dispersas. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 1 p. : fig., 2011.
F. Naene, Zita, J., Naafs, A., en Moçambique, W. A. S. H. C., WASHCost Mozambique Cartaz sobre custos do PEC. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 1 p. : fig., tab., 2011.
IRC, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2011.
W. A. S. H. C. Moçambique, WASHCost Revista Ndzava, 2011 no. 2, vol. 2. 2011.
D. Barcelo en Petrovic, M., Waste water treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean region, vol. no. 14. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2011, p. xiv, 307 p.
R. Philip, Wastewater : exploring the options, vol. Module 5. ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH, Freiburg, Germany, p. 55 p.; 17 fig.; 3 tab.; boxes, 2011.
Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene group, EWASH, Wastewater in the Occupied Palestinian Territory , vol. 7. Emergency Water and Sanitation-Hygiene Group, EWASH, S.l., p. 4 p.; 2 photographs; 4 boxes; 1 cartoon, 2011.


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